oops....  i did it again...  !!!
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This page was last updated on: May 17, 2019
"nee ner - nee ner .,...
i'm outside and you're inside...."
teasing his brother and sisters!
well....  no way would anyone need a 4th dog!  unless it's a samoyed puppy....
Kobe's dad did it again!

Chance (gonna be 10 this year) and
Bogey (gonna be 7 this year) love Kobe....
"give us a break!"

so we brought home Kobe's new brother.....

Rookie of the Year!!!

kobe was thrilled!
mother's day bbq on day one!
tug of war
w/ Kobe's favorite toy...
the purple gorilla!

since by day two he was totally holding his own....
a very tuff little guy....

his name is:

Rookie of the Year!
he learned tug of war from beautiful mom Holly!
Rookie of the Year defeats Kobe-Current Title Holder
 of the Bite Face Game!
riding w/ the big dogs!
running w/ the big dogs!
unfortunately....  he has serious issues w/ mud!
but he is soooo happy.....  and he does clean up well!
november 2007

a very happy boy!

(almost 8 months old)
january  2008

more handsome 
every day!!!

(and still crazy after less than 1 year!)
march  2008

now little Rook is 1 year old!

(and still crazy after more than 1 year!)
june  2008

gotta love that face!!!
march 2009
Rook's 2nd Birthday!

him & kobe party at
the dog park!
march 2011

Rookie is 4 Years Old!!!

he still acts like he's
8 months old
but that what
makes him soooo
much fun!!!

march 2013


Rookie's Birthday

at our
favorite place on earth!

february 2016

just before his 9th
he has been diagnosed
with diabetes...
and is completely blind...

but because he will always be the
Rookie of the Year!
it hasn't affected him a bit...
he is still his sweet, funny
beautiful self...

the twice daily insulin injections
were harder on me than they are for him...
but we got this...!

i LOVE this little guy...!!!

Rookie of the Year

3/10/2007 - 4/26/2019

...now running with
Kobe again...