...at the pound in Korea
on the platform waiting for the meat truck!!!
Kokomo Kompound's Kenzie from Korea

...saved...!!!   by

completely matted but ready to head to the USA!
April 2014

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This page was last updated: May 26, 2015
May 21, 2014

...I'm a Foster Failure again...!!!

(she was shaved but it makes her look even more
like a puppy...)
June 2014

...Kenzie's 1st Vacation...

she's lovin' The Oaks!!!
July 2014

...and she really
Baby D... !!!

(and the feeling is mutual... Ü )
...she gets prettier every day...

can't even imagine what she will look like when she gets her fur back...
October 2014

...on our Fall vacation
@ The Oaks
she spent the
whole time
a very
muddy job!
November 2014

...we're calling
November 21st
Kenzie's birthday...!

we think she was 18 months when she came on May 21st...

so she must be 2 today...! (rescue dog math!)