Kobe of the Kokomo Kompound...  
when we got back from the Bend 2006 vacation, and Klondike broke our hearts with the paralyzing tumor, i really thought Chance and Bogey and i would be fine as a twosome....   
we lasted about two weeks just all staring at each other....
so what is a whackjob to do???
time for a samoyed puppy!!!!!

and was that ever a great idea!!!

Klondike will never be forgotten but Kobe has brought unbelievable 
happiness to our lives...!

from the very first he fit in and they all truly love each other....  

i believe in the Power of the Pack....
.....   love having Kobe in our Pack!
back to the 

as i said on the Chance page....
   "is there anything cuter than a samoyed puppy???  NOPE!!!"
                                          July 2006
one minute he is attacking Chance's head....

                                                     the next minute he's a sweet beautful baby boy.....
This page was last updated on: February 4, 2019
he's turned into quite a football fan....

(but i just can't convince him to be a Raider fan....
   he doesn't believe me that they used to know how to      play the game.....)
got a new tempur-pedic mattress....

   kobe likes it....  he can jump on the bed w/out
   spilling the wine glass....   just like on tv!
Kobe is growing up so fast!!!!

only nine months old...
a beautiful young man!

february 2007
May 20, 2007
Kobe's First Birthday!

of all of his toys
i think he likes the
white moving chew toy
the best!
july 2007.....
kobe sharing the the petsmart toy.....
it really wasn't like the tv commercial...
but they did have a blast!
may 20, 2008

kobe's birthday!!!

he's 2 years old today!

good thing he's such a 
cuz bro rookie will 
always be crazy!

may 20, 2012

kobe's birthday!!!

he's 6 now!

and he is the most
pup of all!

august 29, 2012

Kobe comes home from
his TPLO surguery...

because of Chance
the good news is i've been through
this before so i know what to expect...

the bad news is i've been through
this before so i know what to expect...


september 12, 2012

Kobe is soooo
much happier when i'm working from my home office...
he doesn't have to be in the pen...

is it December yet???

july 4th... 2013

Kobe has always been my
sissy la la dog
when it come to fireworks...

and living only 6 blocks from the
Santa Barbara County Fairpark
it is a nightmare for him...
not to mention the
neighborhood nightmare...

i am now a believer in
The Thundershirt...!!!
here he is sleeping...
and i can hear the
neighborhood fireworks!!!

love it when he is happy...
even if it's just him sleeping!

oh Kobe......

5/20/2006 - 12/21/2018

...what a wonderful life we had together...
i miss you so much...