on february 2nd, 1989 my friend roxy showed up at work... sent her daughter in to tell me she had a samoyed puppy in her car that she had "liberated" from an abusive situation...
i said "no way i'm having more than one dog... i'll bathe him and keep him over night but you've got to come get him tomorrow morning!"

i had him named by 9:00pm that first night!
he was all white w/ biscuit colored ears... just like Mach!

the black strip down the middle of his tongue should have tipped me off...
he was faking the samoyed thing....

once he knew he was loved and here to stay (about 2 hours max!) he quit growing and started letting the orange come out on the rest of his fur...

what a guy... after he came i realized that we were now a family and i could pass on the husband/kids thing and just hang w/ fluffy friends...

i will always owe him big time!!!!
back to the

that next Christmas they were better than any presents!
<<<--- they became a matched set!!!
even when he let the chow side come out.... he is still cute and awesome at the same time  ---->>>>>
when kitty bo peep came he fell in love...
after Macho left us they would probably have been content to have each other.....
but i needed a samoyed fix....
they had never been around a pup before... was amusing to say the least.....
Niki Bear..... 1988 - 2004
well..... he tolerated Chance.....
he probably resented Klondike until the day he died.... !
he did kinda like Bogey......
but mostly he really did want to be an only dog after the Macho and Dagny years.....
he really wanted to be the last man standing....
i think that's why he hung on for 16+ years.....
but on november 8th, 2004 i had to let him go for his own good...
i will always love this little guy that truly was the beginning of the dog family...
This page was last updated on: April 19, 2008