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decided to get the Cam-Fam the best Christmas present


elisha faye had to copy me and get "sister" Daisy for her family.
Daisy and Cori today....
Sprocket visits the kompound - June 2001
wants in the kompound!
"Kathryn's Kats!!!"
(does she look like         Dagny or what!!??)
Redfox and Family!!!
winner of the
"Best Butt" contest!!!
Cory, Lucy, Amy & Ted
Marjean's Menagerie
Summer, Blaze & Honey
Teri lives w/ a boxer named Tyson!
(much better looking than another boxer named Tyson!)
Barbara's Brood!
Chelsea and puppy Lexi!
this pix too cute for words!
Lexi and brother Barney
they too have learned the yippie skippie happy dance!
This page was last updated on: August 19, 2011
Cybil, Duke & Jordon

Daisy standing guard over the
Reynoso birdhouses  --->>>>>>>
"The Girls"
Natashia & Dalihia
the center of Patti's world!
Chili Dog and Rhett !!!
Dana and Howard's Boys!
they too have have that matched set thing that Macho and Nik had...
even tho Rhett is a show dog he's still a yippee skippee boy at heart....
and everyone wants a dog as obedient as Chili!

Chili is no longer w/ us... but two of his children
(born just after he was gone)
and the mother of the pups
are at the tea party!!!
she has visited the kompound....
nik liked her a lot!
but i'm thinking she needs to meet Barney!
..and then there are people that also have cows for pets!
but  since patty's labs brought us sprocket we'll have to cut her some slack!
otis and oscar are wiped after the new puppy cousin came over for a visit!
(just how many boys live in gina's house???!!!)
<<----a little pup named Shoes!
Sophie lucked out when she was rescued from the streets by susan & ed...
she not only has a great home she gets to play w/ otis and oscar!
Clint & Cleo.....
  Cowboy Magic for Toni!
  and now there is DALE!
(Chelsea is now only w/ us in spirit, but that spirit will always live on!)
Nicole's granddaughter
the Farrell Family Friends!!!
Beau and Wanita joined the family in Texas...
clint  has now gone on to join sheila...
  good thing toni still has cleo             and dale....
Evy's little Cooper....
  (no kidding.... it's a real      live puppy...! 
    you couldn't make a         stuffed animal this             cute!!)
cybil has since gone on to join her sister blanca ....
Christmas 2006 - a Boxer Baby          joins the Reynosos....

(Lucy is now truly missed...)
when Dalihia lost her pal
Samson came along...!
Christmas 2006 - more Pups....
   Teri added another boxer - Mambo..
    and Jessica got a lab/golden mix! - Dallas !!!
jessica's Dallas visits toni's Dale...
     WOO HOO ..... !!!
Chili and Rhett get a baby sister...
it was instant puppy love for Grace and Kobe!
w/ Cleo joining Clint...
Toni and Dale needed
another Kobe puppy !!!!
  Debi in the Ventura office get's to share her life w/               a lab/queensland mix !
                           OK....   cutest feet award!!!!!!!!!
dale and dega visit the kompound
bogey explains the rules!
kobe and rookie explain that
"they don't need no stinkin' rules"!!!
Dana's daughter Liana...

a tea party w/ a few

family members

and friends!!!
Rhett finally got his
AKC Championship!

so of course...
Dana needed another dog to show!

Sizzle visits the Kompound Kids
March 2009
<<<<<<<<------------------------------------- !!!!!
...and Liana Starr
doesn't just have dogs in her family...

check her out after the horse show...

Blue Ribbon!!!
      then Kobe gets some new family members!!!

Audriana and Jake ...     !!!
  more cute pups from
the VTA office!!!!

Katherine's wheaten terriers,
Milo and Daisy !!!!

seriously cute faces...
and cute butts!!!