road trip from santa maria
                    to bend, oregon
                                  june 2006....

the three friends had their first hotel experience that wasn't their own unleashed five acres.....

interesting for all involved... !!!

but we are now safely tucked away in the room...
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this page was last updated on: April 19, 2008
day one.... 
on the road to redding...!
went to Big Eddy on the Deschutes River....
cousin sprocket was showing the friends how to swim and retrieve...
bogey and klondike gave wading in the shallow end a try....
chance didn't really want to get his feet wet.......
to dry off the wet ones we went hiking up stream past the rapids...
unbelievably gorgeous....!
and only 7 miles from my brother's house! ....
no wonder he loves it up here!!!!!
tuesday we decided to hang at my brother's property.....
we can take short walks among the trees there...
klondike more than tweaked his back w/ all the activities so we gave him a day off....

in the afternoon the folks came over and we bbq-ed on the back porch....
good thing i packed piquinto beans in my suitcase cuz that's just about the only thing lacking in Bend!
wednesday was snow day! ..... and only 20 minutes from Bend....!

and bogey enjoyed it even more than the white boys.....
was a riot watching her make "snow angels" !!!!!

thursday we hung in my folks backyard.....

another beautiful place ....!