Day One:

The Dog Trot


Long Valley Ranch!!!


back to the

                                   page of
the kids don't appreciate how
fabulous this place is...
they just want dinner...

Day Two:
no "road" on the road trip...

did bbq lobster tho!

and then...
had to make the tough decision
as to whether to
read the kindle w/ a glass of wine
on the lounge...
or the hammock... 

Day Three:

putting the  "road"
back in road trip...

rented us our own
craftsman cottage
just 3 blocks
from the
Deschutes River


very cute back yard...
deck, hot tub...
nice green grass...

fully fenced...

love it!

Day Four:

it's Kobe's Birthday!

beautiful sunny morning on the backyard deck...

even brought our
gate so we could
enjoy sitting out on the front porch
w/ the paper...

Kobe's Birthday

in the very cute

salmon bbq
at the folks house...

what a
perfect day!!!

Day Five:

yesterday was 85°
today was 55°...
but sunny...
so after lunch out w/ mom...
(dad at work at
Widgi Creek Golf Course)
reading the kindle
in the sun room....

pups enjoying
in the backyard...

(if we were a yuppy couple
instead of an old broad
with dogs...
we'd appreciate the cute
Schwinn Cruiser Bikes
they have

...oh and did i mention...

this little craftsman cottage also has a king kong tv
perfect for watching NCIS... Ü
Day Six:

...conference call with
the office back in California...

cute desk in the sunroom for my office in Oregon... Ü in the chiminea...

homemade tostadas...

(my mOm makes the best!) ...

wonderful afternoon/evening w/ the folks!
Day Seven:

installed the wireless network
in the folks house today...

then a relaxing
glass of wine with mOm
on the front yard porch...

(Dad doesn't know how to
pose the pups
for a photo
that's for sure...Ü )
Day Eight:

bbq-ed top sirloin
in the backyard of the
cute cottage
this afternoon...

and yes,
i brought pinquinto beans
and SusieQ
from Santa Maria...

Day Nine: was
"pretend we live in Bend" day... slept in...
watched HGTV...
glass of wine
and reading the kindle
in the backyard...
Day Ten:

......perfect day

for a family
Memorial Weekend BBQ...

in the folks back yard!
potato salad
and fruit salad...
all homemade by

like i said...

Day Eleven:

a kind of rainy day...
just hung around
the cottage...

then fabulous dinner
@ Anthony's
at the Old Mill...
right on the river...
Day Twelve:

made it to
The Creekside!
8 hours and 15 minutes on the road...
I'm toast....

the pups on the other hand are the perfect travelers...

Day Thirteen:

...this is why it's called The Creekside!...
a gate 50 feet from the front door... Ü

(i'm thinkin' this was a much better plan than
The Lack of Quality Inn in Williams (armpit of the nation), California.... )

...thx to mOm... i have all the fixings for hamburger bbq...

now time to read the kindle
and enjoy the afternoon...
Day Fourteen:

...original plan had me back in the office today... but when i took
a right off of the I5
and headed here
that pretty much
changed that plan...
The Creekside is open until Saturday morning.... sooooo...
working today from the remote site in
Boonville, California!
... nice view... Ü


who is gonna be 13 in September...
is never not on patrol....

just spotted her cruising the hill behind the cottage....

... i love this old girl...!!!
Day Fifteen:

...did have to work some this morning...
and will again this evening...
but this afternoon it is all about the bbq and reading in the shade...
85° with a breeze...
after two weeks on the road i really do have to head home...
but in the words of Scarlett O'Hara...
"i'll think about that tomorrow...."...Ü

Day Sixteen:

...Hey... we're home!!!
... almost 400 more miles today...
but w/ these pups
as travel companions
every trip is a great trip!

Northern California and Oregon are gorgeous... but we do love our Bougainvilleas...

(am thinkin' we can hardly wait for the groomer...Ü)