Vacation September 2009
Road Trip to Bend, Oregon
at the Comfort Inn
in Williams, CA

pups are happy anywhere...
i, on the other hand...
would rather already be at the big house w/
the big lot!

saturday evening...
back to the

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this page was last updated on: September 26, 2012
rented the same
house on
1/3rd acre
on Portland Avenue.
sunday ...
we've arrived!
and the weather in Bend is always different.
82 degrees
the deer are back!

so we're in the house...
watching NFL football..!
(family on their way over for pizza!)

monday ...
this afternoon was family
hamburger bbq...
forgot to take pix...
so here are the pups having dinner...

then while chance and i
watched monday nite football
rookie, kobe & bogey
evented their own game of
"tag ur it around the trees"

tuesday ...
today mom came over for lunch on the deck...
then i spent the afternoon reading....

the pups sat ouside w/ me

then he couldn't stand it...
and decided to play w/
the toy in his mouth!

best of all...
Mr. Chance
(who just turned 12)
always hangs
w/ me!

kobe stayed inside the master bedroom guarding his latest favorite toy...
(that the other dogs could care less about!)

wednesday ...
during the night last night
Rookie had a
Close Encounter w/ a Skunk!

so today he got three (!)
baths at Petsmart...
while i shampooed the
bedroom carpet and bought all the Febreeze in Bend...

friday ...
much more relaxing day...
shopping downtown w/ mom...
Orvis & Birkenstock stores......!
then late afternoon lunch at
The Pine Tavern Inn
(both pix taken sitting at our table)
fabulous view of Mirror Pond on the
Deschutes River

Bro Cam knows the best dog spots!
a shallow lake...
beautiful and we had the place to ourselves...!!!

Chance & Bogey hate water...
so took Kobe & Rookie who love to
chase cousin Sproket
while she fetches the stick!

then the
kayak-er guy
showed up...
made sure to welcome him to our lake...

"is it time to go to the bbq at Grandma's house yet?"

and by the way...
the Petsmart groomers warned me that if Rookie got wet the skunk smell could come back...

fortunately the
"Magic Fur"
did it's thing!
i didn't have to brush or dry them.
two hours later they were puffed back up and
Rookie's skunk smell stopped once he was dry...

so we all went to the folks for a salmon bbq...

all in all
a fabulous day!

thursday ...
saturday ...
today was Do Nothing Day!
i read while the
pups Did Nothing...
very relaxing...

they got bored w/
Do Nothing Day
and cruised around the
big yard and played tag w/
each other...

even tho the day
was a warm 75...
this evening it is
supposed to drop to 38...
so we spent the evening in front of the fire...
and again...
another fabulous day...

Birthday BBQ!
4 peeps
5 dogs

and my family knows me sooo well...
mom got the hint at the Birkenstock store and got me the Hatley rain boots i wanted for my
Other Place vacations...
and Cam got me the waterproof Sorels!

Cam doesn't care about football....
but we found Sprocket inside watching the game!

another fabulous day!

"just enjoy the day"
kind of day...

w/ pups
a kindle
a glass of wine
pistachio nuts

you just can't go wrong!

even going to the
Safeway is a picturesque experience in Bend!

but the Deschutes River
(that is 1/2 mile from our house)
is the best view of all!

we spent last night at the
Comfort Inn...
(see the first
Saturday above)

and as much as we love road trips...
we're happy to be home!
