Vacation 2006
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last year was soooooo wonderful we had to do it again.....
we are back......
in the words of jesse colin young....
"i live on a ridgetop.... Lord knows i like it just fine..
it's windy and cloudy and peaceful most all of the time...."
it started raining a bit after we got here....  like the dogs care....
notice wine glass on my chair... like i care....
came in to have dinner.... lit a fire....  and so lovin' being on the top of my ridgetop.... and it's still just day one!!!!
day 2 ..... went for a long walk in the rain....
now we're back in front of the fire....
nothing like having all the doors and windows open   listening to the rain w/ a fire going....
ok... i'm weird....      but very content!
then after lunch the sun came out....
so we decided to lay out!
day 3..... same as day 2...
                    same is good....
valley was fogged in when we got up...
no problem.... went for a walk anyway.....
then it rained until noon...
(see day 2 in front of the fire....)
more hiking around in the afternoon.....
(again.... same is good when it's this good!)
day 4 .....
kinda almost the same as day 2 and 3 except....
  no rain and sunshine all day.... !!!!

finally ventured out of our five acres out the back gate and over the ridge in back..... what a view....
forgot the camera.... but hey... we saw it....
did find the 3rd cottage i didn't find last year....
mine is still the best.... those aren't on ridgetops w/ trees.....

have to leave tomorrow.... but just to keep myself from being bummed i booked another week in october!!!
we will be back!
after the long hike i did get the kids to pose in the sun....
                      happy kids.....