bridge to the other place
bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...
bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...
bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...
bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...
bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...
bridge to the other place...
bridge to the other place...bridge to the other place...

Vacation Links!!!

in 2005 we discovered the perfect place!
The Other Place!

and we are now
Dogs are our link to paradise...
To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace." 

- Milan Kundera
The Other Place Vacations
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this page was last updated on: February 4, 2019