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friday the 16th!

September 2011
Birthday @ The Buckeye
...   Ü the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line..... Ü

sunday the 18th...

hammock in the shade
for me....

pond for the pups...

in the morning when it's still in the high 70's
we hike to the pond...

this afternoon when it was 90+ degrees...
closed it up....
turned on the air conditioning....

football and
the san francisco

it's never not fabulous
up here.... !!!

(we met the man and his dog staying at The Oaks...
his queensland is 14+ years old...
he was pulling her to the pond in
a little red wagon...
he said she still loves to swim...
just can't hike....
seriously a sweet sight...)

saturday the 17th...

monday the 19th...

ditto day...  Ü

my birthday...!!!

morning trip to town to buy the paper....
a quick stop at the pond....

and now
Oak Grilled Lobster
from The Hitching Post
linguini in a
white wine & herb sauce

and of course...

Husch Vineyard's
2010 Mendocino Chenin Blanc

wednesday the 21st

...high of 99 today....

so pond in the morning....

reading in the
air conditioning this afternoon....

and now since it's only 81.... "i go walkin, after sunset...."

again.... soooo content.....

thursday & friday...

ditto day

after ditto day....

...  Ü


...and now...

back at home...
but the pups love
"lawn ornament mode"
as much as
they love

...  Ü