Vacation 2007 - April
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ok.. finally keeping the reservations for april of 2007.....
thought we'd never get here....
(thus the countdown on the home page....)
sunday afternoon....
we are back....
i know...  all the pictures look the same!
that's why i keep coming back!
outside viewing the valley...
the kids waiting for me to stop posting pix and go for another walk!!!
monday we went for a couple walks inside our five acres.....
but mostly just had lunch on the patio
and sat out in the sun reading a book overlooking the valley.....
(the pups preferred the shade under the awning.....)
in the late afternoon it got breezy...
so since the view is the same from the inside
i moved to the leather chair....
kobe took the window seat....
chance likes the cool tile....
and bogey napped under the dining room table...
tuesday morning we hiked down our road to our gate....
(you can see another of the cottages in the background...
The Breezeway....)
kobe and bogey ready to venture out....
(we were waiting for chance to catch up...)
found the third cottage...
The Buckeye....
then decided to climb the hill ....
the back way back to my cottage....

strolled down the road beside the creek...
kobe and bogey ran up and down the hill....

chance and i stayed on the road....
i took a break at the pond....

the kids explored the old barn....
was great to finally find our back gate!
(.... note to self....
don't climb the hill again....
way steeper behind the first ridge of trees...)
in the afternoon it started raining....
how cool is that!
chance didn't even want to come inside....

i beat kobe to the window seat and spent the afternoon reading by the fire....

kobe and bogey went out for about an hour..... 
have no idea what they were doing but they came back muddy to their knees so i'm thinkin' they had a good time!
wednesday we found a side gate that lead us out and gave incredible views of the valley...
and a view of The Buckeye cottage from above...
yep....  steep hill looking up or down....
<<<<<----------  then looped back around via the old water cisterns.....
and back thru the back gate....

think i'll go read in the sun for awhile .....
lovin' life large!
thursday the weather forecast was for rain in the afternoon so we got our hike over the back ridge to the pond in before noon.....
<<<--------  they climbed the hill by themselves leading toward Gina's Trail.....
unfortunately bogey located a cow pie to roll in....
i was very tempted to throw her in the pond!
kobe had fun wading and running around the pond...!

finally heading down the fence line to our front gate.....
waiting for the rain ...  ------->>>>

after bogey's shower
chance sat outside on the patio
bogey and kobe played the
bite face/wrestle game...

this place is like camelot...
it didn't start raining until about 4:30 yesterday....
and by this morning - blue skies.....
<<<<------- one last look before we head for home....

and i've started the countdown counter....
50 days 23 hours, etc......
until we are back!

friday morning....