Vacation 2012 - May
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back to The Buckeye!
thursday the 10th....

we are back at our
favorite place
in the world!!!

got here early...
tailgate party at the pond

running and wading for the pups...
glass of wine for me!

in the evening...
doors open...

and a
fire in the fireplace...

just because we can....

friday the 11th...

in the afternoon it was warm
but w/ a cool breeze
in the shade...

spent the whole
w/ the kindle
overlooking the valley...

saturday the 12th...

yep... hiking to the pond...

they had soooooo
much fun!!!

happy mother's day to me...

drove down to Boonville to get the sunday paper....
(no photo necessary)

played at the pond...
(see above)

bbq top sirloin for me!!!
and steamed artichoke...

afternoon reading overlooking the valley...
(see above)

another perfect day!

monday..... tuesday..... wednesday.....


everyday is the same...

and that is our goal...

and that is why
we will always
be coming back!!!