First 2009 Vacation !!!
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sunday... back at the Buckeye!!!

one of my favorite signs!
that leads to....

my favorite place!!!

kobe & rookie are
already running w/ the wind!

bogey is just happy to be here...

chance likes to cruise on his own....

well... the rain has started...
chance and i are inside w/ the fire...
kobe, rookie & bogey
are making one last
perimeter check of the  property...

and it's only day one!!!!!


this morning it poured rain
so i sat in front of the fire
and read a good book....

kobe & rookie
to create their own pond
and then
the bite face game
in the middle of the water!!!

bogey didn't seem to mind
the rain either....

and since rookie
can fly
he didn't even
get his feet wet....

but this afternoon
the sun came out!

we took the opportunity
to head for the pond...

it's not like we weren't
already wet...

unbelievably gorgeous
up here....!


today when the rain stopped we went hiking off road.....


and of course looped by the pond!

i sat in one of the chairs by the pond...
chance kept me company...

back to the buckeye...
steak bbq and
steamed artichoke for lunch....

fire in the fireplace...
door open so the pups
could walk themselves...
me reading....

(no need for photos of me reading!)


on this morning's
chance and i let
the others do
most of the

and again...
heading back for lunch...
today is linguini & clams day...
and then more reading for me...

...and you know....
w/ a view like this....

why not a picture of...

me reading!!!!


awesome day...

took off on the path to the south.....

after the rains...
and now the clear skies...

i wish i was posting pix
in HD
it is soooo gorgeous
up here!!!


today was so gorgeous
we got to do our reading outside...

view from the chair....

the chair!!!

(so happy here....)


this morning it was clear and crisp...
and windy....

the pups are
happy here.....

this afternoon we hit the pond again...
everyday is so much the same....

thank gawd...
that's why we love it here!


was supposed to be driving home today...
or not....

sat by the fire cuz it was pouring rain...

chance stayed w/ me while
the others hiked themselves....

rookie shouldn't be
trusted to
hike himself!

took a long walk late this afternoon...
but hustled back when the rain started again....
pups didn't care but i've managed to catch a cold!


today it rained all day...
it's actually awesome to be in this cottage that is all windows while it stormy outside...

i stayed inside all day...
getting over the cold and all...
but did have to remind the fluffy friends to come in ...
well... not so fluffy...
more spiked than fluffy!

gotta head home tomorrow...
but heading back up this way in less than two months!!!