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monday the 9th!

June 2014 @ The Oaks
soooooo  glad to be back....
haven't been at The Oaks since 2011...
forgot how wonderful it is!!!'s vacation time again...!

and Kenzie's first trip...!!!

after running around our
5 acres they are
ready to sack out on the
tile w/ the a/c on...'s supposed to get close to 100 degrees today....
got our hike in early...

tuesday the 10th!

...why we love The Oaks...

as the sun sank west of the Mendocino County line...

the view up here of
the Anderson Valley is beyond beautiful....

Kenzie blew by Baby D ...
ahhh youth...!

...the white ones wait for
me n' Bogey to catch up...
well... it did get a tad too warm...

after a lunch on the patio of linguine and clams
we have moved inside and
turned on the a/c...

pups are sacked out on the tile... and i'm reading the kindle w/ the most awesome panoramic view of the valley thru the oaks.....
wednesday the 11th!

Kenzie swips D's toy

and it's game on...!!!

Kobe grabs his football
and joins in... Ü's a balmy 78° today...

and my guard dogs are
all making sure no one
comes close to the Weber
as i prepare to bbq top sirloin
and steam an artichoke...
thursday the 12th!

...another perfect day...
temps in the 70's...

Kenzie & D race up the driveway...

...Bogey makes the same hike...
it just takes a tad

......just another day in paradise... !!!!!
Bogey is napping under the oak tree...
and Kenzie has the whole
posing with the family thing down... !
...i have kindle and wine
overlooking the valley down as well...
friday the 13th!

......bbq-ed lobster tail
w/ a view.... Ü

the pups hang by the pit....

...Kobe is guarding his football... but i think he is sleeping...
...and none
of the other dogs care...

..and hard to believe
Kenzie is 39 lbs...
she looks like a stick in
this photo...
little girl needs her hair back... !
saturday the 14th!

......why are you packing??? we have voted to stay...!!!