Vacation 2008 - January
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could hardly wait to start the 2008 vacations!

sunday afternoon!
thank gawd... we're back!!!

january just might be my favorite time of year...
same story... same verse....
chance just watching...
kobe, bogey & rookie running like the wind....
and it's just day one!
monday morning....
valley fogged in...  we had blue skies.....
i love it here....
in the early morning we hiked our five acres...
in the afternoon we hiked the ridge...
(didn't go all the way to the pond...
i wasn't up for mud yet....)

of course... we're waiting to go in our back gate.... 
no sign of chance.... he off "strollin.."
finally over the ridge he comes....
and he's running!
really foggy and cold....
can still hike!
went outside our property and the kids had a blast.....!
i made spaghetti for breakfast at 10:00am...

(of course i did.....
                 cuz i can !!!)

then read in front of the fire....
then in the afternoon the sun came out!
i'm talking tank top and shorts!
(good thing i brought "tan in a can"!)
reading w/ bogey while the white ones went exploring again!
but then Rookie decided to lay out too!!!
(gawd i love it here!)

see tuesday....
another awesome day....

and now.....

" the sun sank west of the Mendocino County line..."

tomorrow is another day!!!

this was pond day!!!
the minute we crested the ridge
they knew exactly
where we we headed!
the Sons of Czar
headed straight for the water!
Chance opted for waiting
beside the path leading
away from the pond!
Rook and Kobe
even pick the creek
instead of the road on the way back!
heading back into our property....
and at last!  it's my turn!
linguini & clams w/ wine....
awesome lunch w/ an awesome view!
hiked outside on the west side....
and again....
you can't really see it....
but rookie and bogey headed for
The Buckeye....
they had thanksgiving w/ my folks
there in November and didn't
get that they were back in Bend!

finally got everybody back into our
back gate...

then since the muddy ones were all puffed back up after yesterday's pond day they decided to dig!
ah well...  the last day....
unbeliveable as it may seem for january...
it was actually too hot to sit on the
front porch in the sun....
so the kids played w/ toys on the bed...
or layed on the hill in the shade....
i moved the chair to the back porch in the shade....
still an awesome view to sit and read....

well.... gotta go home tomorrow....

but in april we will be back...
and this time we'll be at The Buckeye....