Vacation 2013 - March
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back to The Buckeye! ....  again!

we are back at our favorite place in the world!!!

sunday the 3rd....

monday the 4th....

headed off to go
hiking first thing this morning....

very good time
had by all!

my first time attempting to bbq fresh lobster tail...

oh... i'm good...!

view from the grill overlooking the valley isn't bad

... added asparagus with
hollandaise sauce...

and the view of the hills...

reading kindle overlooking the valley to follow!


just found Bogey and Rookie
playing down below
the ridge...


tuesday the 5th....

...pouring rain...

so it's homemade chicken noodle soup, jigsaw puzzle, reading in front the the fire day...

the fluffy friends are kinda damp from hiking themselves...
but we don't care...

(...and yes, the jigsaw puzzle is a pic of the pups taken when we were here @ Christmas...
i know... i'm a whackjob...)

wednesday the 6th....

...the sun is out... and it's hailing!!!

how cool is that...!?! between showers the sun comes out...
a hiking we will go...
i have some seriously happy pups!
...and now a rip roaring game of
football-football-who's-got-the-football... !

...Kobe always wins this game... Ü
thursday the 7th....

...this morning was cold and cloudy...

and all Rookie ever wants to do is ride in his Tahoe anyway...


off we go on a road trip on rural roads...

jigsaw puzzle is done...

no more need for inside entertainment...

i'm ready for warm weather!
friday the 8th....

...woke up to a beautiful sunny day...

off to the pond we go...

...the white boys like to do their running off road!

…and now…

the perfect day for lunch on
the patio...

linguini & clams w/ chardonnay...

saturday the 9th....

... another wonderful day to hike...

Rookie literally flies by!

in fact... 
flying so fast his face is blown back!
... so beautiful on the way back from the
lower trail...

Bogey is in slow motion...
but for almost 13 is doing great...
we let her take all the time she needs...
... another wonderful day to bbq...

top sirloin
baked potato

very tasty....
sunday the 10th....

...beautiful day for a morning stroll....
and fired up the bbq again...

salmon w/ asparagus/hollandaise...

loving life large!
... favorite picture of the day...!

we are celebrating Rookie's Birthday today!!!

six years old and still acts like the pup that he will always be!!!
monday the 11th....

...beautiful sunny day... 74°
perfect for reading over looking the valley w/ Bogey...

(sweaty white boys are in the cottage laying on the tile...) after lunch i was having a glass of wine/reading the kindle at the patio table and thought:

"i should have made a cut flower arrangement out of those daffodils..."

wait! ... that would be murder! ...

so much better to just enjoy their beauty and leave them for the next lucky folks who get to stay here....

tuesday the 12th....

obstacle course hiking...

don't tell anyone....
but i am supposed to be driving home tomorrow....


so...  office with a view...!

wednesday the 13th....

...original plan had me driving south thru San Francisco about now...

nope! ....

bbq-ing another lobster tail instead!

i know i speak for the pups as well....

sooooooo happy to be staying
a little longer...!

off road fun had by all!!!
thursday the 14th....

...morning stroll.....

sunny up here...

fog in the valley...

sure glad we got a couple more days!
hiked to the pond for
a little
mud bogging...
well...  time to fire up the Weber...
top sirloin again...

(see photo above...  )

friday the 15th....

... last day pose up at the old barn and buckeye tree by our cottage...

we've had such a fabulous time!!!