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sunday the 19th!

September 2010
Birthday @ The Buckeye
...and we're back !!!!!!!!!!    Ü

our cottage wasn't ready
when we got here....
not a problem!
tailgate party
the pond!!!

monday the 20th!

this morning we headed out to hike....

<<<---   and went to the pond....

... and then....
Birthday BBQ!
top sirloin
steamed artichoke
and chardonnay
on the patio overlooking
the valley
and hills...
(my idea of a party!
550 acres... no people...
my pups!  Ü )

tuesday the 21st!

this morning we hiked Gina's Trail....
i think i prefer the green, rainy
winter months....
the pups however... are happy
24/7 - 365 !

this afternoon we read the kindle
overlooking the hills and valley...
went for another long walk!

(we are never not content up here!)

wednesday the 22nd!

same old
same old
is such a good thing!!!!

going to the pond...
cooking pasta...
reading overlooking
the hills and valley....

life is soooooo
good up here!

thursday the 23nd!

this morning we took a break
in the shade
up Gina's Trail...

... and of course....
more pond.... 

way warmer today....

friday the 24th!

was going to be 95 degrees today!
so we got our hiking to the pond
in early today....

and headed back to our cottage so
we could read in the shade of the umbrella
for the rest of the afternoon...

we have to go home tomorrow....
(and we almost stayed longer again !
but since we'll be back
in less than 3 months
we're gonna go home after all...)