Vacation 2007 - November
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early Thanksgiving at The Other Place
we are here for a week at The Oaks....
and this time i booked The Buckeye cottage for the folks....!
(they get their own 5 acres and all Mom has to do is cook the turkey dinner!)
ohmygawd...  why am i always so surprised by how beautiful it is up here?!!!
and then there is
Monday Nite Football!
early tuesday morning....
valley fogged in....
ridgetop gorgeous!!!
third hike of the day...
chance won't go!
now kobe doesn't want to go if chance won't go!---->>>>
<<<<<<<---  but they finally did...

Chance was laying out on the porch when we got back!
i'm going back out on the porch w/ Chance...
the folks should be here a coupla hours!
<<<<<<<---  early wednesday ...

an early morning round
of the bite face game...
it is about a 45 minute hike to The Buckeye---->>>>
the cottage where the folks are staying.....
then we all hiked to the pond....

whatta surprise....
kobe and rookie loved the water...

now we have wet, muddy dogs w/
stickers on their butts!

"magic fur" does shed the mud....
not so much the stickers...

but it's their vacation too...
so i spent the afternoon sitting out on the porch brushing them out....

i moved the Thanksgiving holiday up two weeks!

Thanksgiving morning at The Buckeye!
views from the dining room table....
a man and his dog.....
<<<<-----  the grandpups are assisting in the preparation of the turkey and all the trimmings!

a perfect family holiday in a perfect place!!!

friday morning...
the folks are heading back to oregon...
<<<<-----  the young ones play the
bite face game... (again!)

i let the kids "hike themselves"
(too many stickers, but oh well...)
then i turned the afternoon into
hammock day! --->>>

mostly kobe and rookie went on
"collecting stickers" outings of their own....

chance and bogey pretty much sat up by the house on surveyor patrol.....

i had a good book and a glass of wine...

but in the end rook laid next to me almost under the hammock....

ok...  a very relaxing day!!!!

saturday morning ...
woke up to rain on the roof....
how cool is that....!

exercise during the rain was the
dreaded bite-face game!

chance has too much dignity to participate...

in the afternoon we read and napped in front of the fire.....
in between showers we hiked the hills inside our five acres....

another perfect day!

sunday morning ...
woke up to gorgous blue skies!!!
i let the kids "hike themselves" again...
then wanted to get a family photo...
works fine until
Rookie gets involved!

went for a long hike after lunch.....
for a while i didn't think Chance was going to join us.....
then here he comes....  doing the stroll.......
Bogey, Kobe and Rookie were flying up and down the hills!

sunday  4:45 pm....
the sun is setting over the ridge....
they still don't want to leave....
seems like every day
is the best day!!!
monday  10:00 am....

well... we gotta go home.....
but  ! ...
we go back in 61 days!!!
(we can never leave
w/out having the next reservations in place!)