This time we're at...!!!
Vacation - April 2009!!!
same owners of
The Other Place
have another
3 cottages on
a 800 acre ranch
on the
Boonville-Ukiah Road

gets my
back to the

                                   page of
this place is fabulous!!!!!!!!

our place even overlooks the pond!

flat screen plasma tv's everywhere....
(haven't turned them on tho...
the view is tooo spectacular!)

even from the

i already love it here!

it's 80 degrees...
wind thru the oaks...
Chance and i are on the patio....
Kobe, Rook Bogey
are exploring...

too content for words!

the view this morning from the bedroom window was awesome!

decided to take our hike to the pond early since it's supposed to get to
93 degrees this afternoon...

a good time was had by all!

back to the pond...
or actually Piano Lake...

it's shaped like a grand piano...
actually we have to drive...
the walk is just too much for
mr. chance...
in fact he even got tired of watching the young ones play in the pond
and went back and laid in the
shade of the Tahoe...
this afternoon we read out on the lounge chairs overlooking the pond...
glass of wine...
kindle loaded w/ good books...
(altho i think kobe & rookie
wanted me to fill the outdoor
tub and create our own pond...
ah... NO!)

view from the lounge chairs
is the pond below
and the mountain ridge....
lovin' life large!

in the morning...
more of the same...
hiking and the pond...

good thing the kitchen is so nice since i have to prepare
lunch and dinner there...

since the weather is a balmy
72 degrees
we decided to hike to the pond...
worst case scenario
we'd have to take breaks on the hike back up to the cottage...
dogs never cease to
amaze me!
even tho we've driven
in the past...
they knew the turnoff to the pond as soon as we got there!
chance takes a break...
while rookie & kobe...
well... you know...
the last leg back up to our ridge is a little steep...
but we just took took it slow
and Mr. Chance
and his metal knees plodded
right along!
the $3,000 per leg TPLO
surgeries were
well worth the $$$ !!!

(see Chance's page
for his
surgery stories...)

today it was only about 58 degrees...
so we cruised our 5 acres...
put a fire in the fireplace and read....
then cuz it really wasn't cold...
and was warm outside in the sun...
changed to t-shirt & shorts
and moved outside....
does anyone know how much
i freakin' love it up here!!!???!!!

"ditto - day"!!!

hike to the pond in the morning....

stalking ducks....
am sure the ducks are laughing...

"ditto - afternoon"....

chance resting...
bogey seriously crashed!

tomorrow we have to leave
our cottage on the ridge....

today we went to Ukiah and bought food and spent the afternoon camped out
at Piano Lake...
yep... we didn't drive home....
bathroom ren-o still has a week to go!
the Mendocino Vacation Gods
smiled on us!
The Glass House
on the next ridge had a midweek cancellation!

if you're kinda homeless...
this isn't a bad spot to camp out at!!!

this cottage isn't fenced
so this morning we hiked
our 800 acres....
well... we didn't go quite
that far...
the downside...
i was inside w/ Chance....
hadn't seen the others for awhile...
called them...
they came flying in...
soaked from the shoulders down!
they had gone straight down the ridge
to the pond!

in the evening
the clouds started
rolling in
over the ridge...
built a fire
in the fireplace
set into the
window wall...

awesome is that!

this morning we hiked around
for awhile....
that never gets old...

then since i was supposed to be back at work today...
worked for a couple hours...
(better view here!)

in the afternoon had a sprinkling of rain... and it got a little windy...
time to read inside...

the chair...

view from the chair...

well... i really have to leave tomorrow....
so we made the most of the beautiful weather for one last trek to the pond....

same fun had by all!

sat outside w/ a late lunch of
cold chicken, cheese, fresh fruit
and of course chardonnay!

the pups were crashed under the breezeway....