Vacation 2009

Christmas at The Buckeye!
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woo hoo !!!!   we're here!!!
Saturday the 19th
good thing we
brought our
Three Dog Night
for the bed!
Sunday the 20th
this morning we hiked to the pond!
beautiful... and muddy!
good thing i have the
cute Hatley rain boots
this trip!  very handy!
it started raining around noon...
so perfect weather to put up the tree...
(yes i brought all the pup and barbie ornaments!)
watching the rain & football...
and making homemade chicken noodle soup...
Monday the 21st
today it pretty much poured rain all day.... this really isn't a bad thing...
i read in front of the fire....  kobe had dibs on the couch...
<<<---  bogey sat next to me...

rookie layed out in the rain...
(of course he did! )
Tuesday the 22nd
no way can pictures capture how happy these pups are running like the wind...
acres & acres of rolling hills and beautiful skies....
Wednesday the 23rd
today we took a super long walk...
(see Tuesday!)
this afternoon the weather was so nice i read all afternoon from the chair overlooking
Boonville, CA in the valley below...
Kobe was guarding the patio...
but Rook & Bogey were so tired
they didn't even wake up when i
got up to take their picture!
Christmas Eve
fabulous day!

(on today's hike i think they heard a dog barking 15 miles away)

nothing better than
being up here!

Christmas !!!
christmas morning...
one of the huge perks about pups...
they don't care about opening presents...

all they want is for me to open the gate!
can do!

sooo... a hiking we go...
and of course...
a stop by the pond !

then back to the
full on turkey dinner w/
all the trimmings!

Merry Christmas to all !

Saturday the 26th
this morning we hiked the hills off road...

then while we were waiting for the rain to start they played
the famous Bite Face Game
(kind of a good thing they have put straw mulch in front of the cottage...  in february they turned the area into a mud bog ! )

Sunday the 27th
well... it poured all nite...
tomorrow i have to leave The Buckeye
so today i took down the tree and packed up all the ornaments
while watching football...
the kids decided to
do their own version of
Rockin around the Christmas Tree!

well... we left The Buckeye...
but we only moved a mile or so...
to The Oaks...!!!!
we've got another week!!!

Monday the 28th