after                     at the Buckeye...
...  now getting ready
New Year's at the Oaks!

Monday the 28th
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while moving from The Buckeye to The Oaks
we killed time by making a road trip to Ukiah
and then hiking around the pond....
remembering the massive Oak !
we haven't been to The Oaks since 2007...
totally forgot how fabulous
the cottage is....!!!

at the very top of the mountain
the views are awesome

this afternoon from the
outside patio
it was so warm i had to
switch out leggings
for shorts!
(thank gawd i brought
tan in a can ! )

this evening
pizza and
monday nite football!!!!
Tuesday the 29th
early morning hike out thru the back gate
past the water cisterns....
then there is the pond below...
then back to our front gate...
and the steep hike back to the cottage...
(hiking waaaay steeper up & down
from here...)
but the view way makes up for it...
this afternoon it poured rain...
read in front of the fire....
views thru the oaks and
of the Anderson Valley below....
Wednesday the 30th
fabulous weather today!
hiking w/ the pups...
Christmas day leftovers for lunch!
reading on the chairs overlooking the valley...
the views up here are
and soooo peaceful...
New Year's Eve !
this morning we took the trek to the pond
it was kinda cold and cloudy...
but the pups could absolutely care less....
got them all tired out so i could
read in front of the fire all afternoon
after the rain started...
this evening we were waiting for the New Year's countdown on the Dish TV
(Kobe will never make it to midnight...)

making New Year's dinner....
steak, rigatoni & portobello mushrooms
w/ tomatos & spinach in an olive oil sauce...
(ok... i opened a bag of Bertolli)
just opened the Perrier Jouet champagne...
and brought the matching flower flute...

New Year's Day
it pretty much poured rain all day...
so most of the day i watched the fire
watched rookie sleep
and watched the rose bowl game...

when the rain stopped for a bit
we hiked around our 5 acres...

...and i finally found out where they go when they come back covered in stickers...
(Bogey is in the middle of one of the shrubs...)
it's going to take me until our next trip in February to get all the stickers out!