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wednesday the 10th!

February 2010 @ The Buckeye
six months ago i booked the first 2010 vacation for the 13th to the 20th...
this time however... in order to avoid me calling and hoping there was a cancellation so i could stay
i called a week ago and found out i could come 3 days earlier!

beautiful drive up the california coast.... but nothing as beautiful as being here!
pups immediately go exploring....
i think they might suspect other dogs have been using our place....


supposed to rain this afternoon...
better get our hike in...

do all my pictures of all my vacations look the same
or what?!!!?

well... that's a good thing...
that's why we keep coming back!

after hiking the hills...
and the pond...
we head back to our cottage for an afternoon of reading in front of the fire...

but first i make homemade chicken noodle soup...
kobe guards the dog food...


this morning we
hiked the lower trail

and of course... went by the pond...

then the sun came out....
linguini & clams for lunch
on the patio...!

and when i didn't think it could get any better...
warm enuff for shorts and reading outside....
& view from chair!


gorgeous and sunny this morning....
hiked to the pond
(see thursday & friday)
sat in the sun and read
(see friday)

the pups are such creatures of habit...
on weekend afternoons they sit out in my front yard....
so this afternoon they sat out in
The Buckeye front yard!

more hiking....
the hillsides are
unbelievably beautiful in the afternoon sun...


today was cool and overcast so we decided to stay in
and read the
San Francisco Chronicle and watch the Daytona 500

(yep, we brought our own hdtv
for the living room!)

since the race got about as exciting as a CalTrans project on the 101
we decided to go hiking up the hill...
Rookie & Kobe were moving way faster than any Nascar racers...

later... when they were racing again at Daytona
(...and Jr. even
got 2nd....!)
i was back inside... 
the pups were enjoying a couple of rounds of
The Bite Face Game!

today's hike took
almost two hours....
we hiked way
further up Gina's Trail....

and the pups were thrilled to find a creek w/ running water...

... and i just can't help myself....

gotta post another "happy pups
in the pond"

taken after the
big hike...

this afternoon
cuz it was too hot in the sun
we put the other chair
in the shade

view from the chair... Ü


today we decided to hike the whole loop of the lower trail....
holy crap...  if you hike down...
you have to hike back up!

but it was
fabulously beautiful!!!

after i practically crawled up a steep hill they were waiting...
(how humiliating...)

then i looked west....
a billion hills over was the barn on my property!
i told Rookie to go get the Tahoe...
did he obey?
(where is Lassie when you need her?!)

and as i was crawling up
yet another hill
i heard a splash!
when i got up there
i found that Kobe & Rookie
found a baby pond!!!

i want my chair
i want my view from the chair
i want my kindle
i want a glass of wine!



...and again...


a stop at the pond...

the chairs!

life is good today!



this morning we took a road trip to Philo, CA
needed more dog food...
pop. 1098
always interesting.... most of these folks retired after living in
Haight-Ashbury 30 years ago...  need i say more...

stopped in Boonville...
just for grins ... stopped at the only
non-grocery store...
bought the only
bracelet in the place
that didn't have a peace symbol on it...
(maybe a hangover from when Boonville was the home to the
Moonie Commune)

back on the mountain...

then realized we forgot to take photos!


the pups were happy to go for another walk after sunset...
we are NOT taking the
right turn to the pond!!!!

i want them to have fun...
but no wet dogs at night!


today turned out
cool and cloudy....

not a problem...
in fact...
great weather for hiking
way up Gina's Trail...

and cuz today is our last day


had to go to the pond...

this afternoon the kids cruised around our five acres while i read in front of the fire....

another fabulous vacation!!!!

thank gawd
we come back in less than two months!!!