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saturday the 17th!

April 2010 @ The Buckeye
...and we're back !!!!!!!!!!    Ü

our home away from home!

and an added bonus....
the hammock behind the cottage overlooking the valley is there!
(usually i come up here during the winter rainy months and it isn't out...)


75 degrees....   long hike and again....
why the pups love it...
the pond!

then bbq steak & steamed artichoke...
and reading in the hammock
for me!


let's go racing boys!!!

we hiked way up into the hills and then down toward the lower trail
where the kids rediscovered the
baby pond!

then this afternoon...
after a fabulous lunch of
linguini & clams
on the outdoor
dining table...
i settled in on one of
the adirondack chairs
w/ a glass of wine
the kindle
and the breathtaking
views of the

life is always good here...


it poured all night and
this morning...
but when the rain stopped
@ 11:00am the sun came out!
a hiking we will go!

the rest of the day it would rain awhile...
during that time i read in front of the fire w/ beautiful views of the hills...

when the rain stopped the sun kept coming out and the kids went and hiked themselves....
after a while
when it was more
rain than sun...
kobe decided that
he'd just quit coming back in....

after all
they came up here to run around and be outside...

kinda like
"burning daylight"
gone wrong!

this morning it was cold!
45 degrees w/ major winds...
took a drive to Boonville to buy a newspaper....
came back to sit in front of the fire and watch HGTV ....

ok... that was boring...
like hanging at the Disneyland Hotel
instead of
going to Disneyland.....
... a hiking we go....

however when we cruised
by the pond...
and the water was actually choppy from the wind...
they didn't even go in...
but they had their usual
fabulous time
running the hills....

later this afternoon
when i was back
reading in
front of the fire...
they were more
than content
to hang in
the wind in front
of the cottage...
and occasionally
taking a cruise
of their own
around our
fenced five acres...
life is good!!!


this morning we hiked up the trail then down the lower trail...
then we got lost....
but on the highest hills you can always see the barn next to our cottage so we just had a longer hike than usual... 

so this afternoon we hiked the ridge below our cottage to the west....

every view is a fabulous view....


hiked the whole lower trail from the bottom up...
(and even figured out where we got lost yesterday...)
the white boys always forge the trail...
and bogey always has my back... Ü

the best news for me is that there are rocks
next to creeks
in the shade
for me to rest...
and my pals always wait for me to regroup...!

and since it's our last day at
The Buckeye...
we have to let them
party at the pond!

check out the website!!!
check out the website!
April 2010 @ The Creekside!
what a surprise...!
again.... we didn't go home!
and since interlopers were coming in to The Buckeye....
and The Creekside had a cancellation....
we moved!


...the fourth cottage...
at the bottom of the hill
on the valley floor
next to the vineyards.....

very charming....
little living room... dining room
kitchen great room w/ tons of windows!
and a really cute bedroom...

but the very, very fun thing...
50 feet from our front door
a gate...
10 feet out that gate....
awesome creek!
you can hear it from the living room...!
... and oops....
Rookie didn't get that it can be 3 inches deep....
and then 3 feet deep!


this morning
we hiked around the meadow
and down by
the vineyards....

the pups practice
Stay! Smile!
next to
The Other Place

this afternoon it was
82 degrees
so we
hiked down by
the creek....

Bogey had that
"are you kidding me?!"
look on her face
when we had to cross the
creek to get back to our side...

so this afternoon we had
view from the chairs...

and chairs!

sure glad we decided to visit
The Creekside!

since today was our last day

(for real this time)

we drove up to the top of the hill
(2 miles straight up  !!!)
for one last hike up
Gina's Trail...

and splashing
in the pond...!

they are so funny tho....
when we got back down to the road and they saw the Tahoe
you'd  think they died and went to heaven!
i really think they'd rather go for a ride more than anything in the world...
guess that's why they are such good vacation travelers....
hitting the road home tomorrow will be a treat for them....

vacationing w/ pups!