Vacation 2008 - April
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this time we're at The Buckeye!
when i called in November 2007 to make reservations The Oaks was booked the whole month of April
and The Buckeye only had this week left!
since the folks stayed here in November i had checked the place out first hand...
and it's really close to the pond...  could be a muddy week!
sunday afternoon.....
here at last!!!

i love the Buckeye....!!!!
and so do the kids...

and we even have our own
old barn on our property...

the kids were running like the wind...

early monday morning.....
ventured out of our gate...


crested the ridge...

it was Cesar Millan and his pack!!!
that was interesting to say the least!!!

headed off to the pond....

loves this place!!!!

the pups go for a swim...

kinda cold and windy today....
headed out for our morning hike....

kobe and rookie found the one
mud puddle
on the entire mountain!

decided to enjoy the cool weather....
made homemade chicken noodle soup...

this place is awesome....
granite countertops...
slate floors...
all new appliances...

the living room is all windows....
lit a fire in the fireplace in front of the windows...
pretty much sat in the leather chair reading and sipping wine most of the afternoon....

loving life large....

wednesday morning early....

i let them hike themselves while chance and i laid in bed and watched the Today Show....
holy crap....
bogey came back clean...
kobe and rook are
soaked and muddy!!!
found the spot later...
they were digging for gophers!

decided we might as well go to the pond....

they got cleaner there than they were at our place...

then we hiked Gina's Trail
to get them dried off....

explored the Big Old Barn....
funky stuff in there.....
even found old benches that had Sheep Dung Estates cut into the wood....
(that was the first doggie retreat....  next came.... The Other Place...!)

by our afternoon hike
kobe and rookie were all
puffed back up and white again...

bogey is teflon so no worries
w/ her...

chance never got dirty to begin with...

i'm heading back out to the adirondack chair w/ my book
and am getting a glass of wine...


thursday morning...

see monday and wednesday....
ended up at the pond...
the photos of the pups look exactly the same...
having fun and wet...

so we took a picture of
Chance in the Meadow instead...
Mr. Handsome...

this afternoon we had
bbq filet mignon and steamed artichoke...
(of course we did!)
but even after hosing off the patio it was too warm to eat in the sun...
sooo half way thru ... 

we moved inside...
same gorgeous views from the dining room...
(and the kids were sacked out laying inside anyway...! )

late this afternoon we moved to the chair facing west over the Anderson Valley...

unbelievably gorgeous.....

and then there is Bogey....

the reason she makes so few photos is cuz she us usually no more than a few inches from my side....

took the camera to the chair today....


decided this morning was spa day for me!
did kick the pups out tho...
no shower door...
kobe and rookie....
i don't think so!

since i hadn't started the car since i got here
i decided to go on a road trip to Boonville...

<<<<<-----               first stop....

Boonville International Airport...

(tower and terminal)

The Boonville Hotel

The Boonville Market
Tasting Room...

and my personal favorite...

The Anderson Valley
Market & Deli

not only do they have everything anyone would need...

they remember us
and aways come outside to pet the kids in the tahoe.....

i love this little town!


that took 15 minutes....

back across
the creek

The Other Place!

since it was
85 freakin' degrees today (!)

we moved the chair
to the edge of the ridge
behind the cottage...

there really isn't a bad spot
anywhere up here!!!


one last trip to the pond....
and it was a bazillion degrees today...

so chance and i
sat in the shade when we got there....

goes w/out saying


kobe and rookie


and since it's 85 degrees ( ! )....

chance and bogey
try to figure out
how to get a drink
w/out getting their
toes wet  !!!

and they actually

thank gawd the
air conditioning!!!

(of course it does... !)

i did my reading inside this afternoon!

...saturday evening....

I have these pictures and I keep these photographs...

To remind me of a time..

These pictures and these photographs...

Let me know I’m doin’ fine...

And the sun sank west on the Mendocino County line...

(thx for the song willie...)