Vacation 2013

Christmas at The Buckeye!
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this page was last updated on: January 3, 2014
Wednesday the 18th
we came up early!!!

...and we brought Baby D...
he has died and gone to heaven!
...getting the bedroom ready for the pups...

Orvis waterproof coverlet for the bed...
bath mats for the floors...
even the bedroom is fabulous
flat screen tv in the cabinet...

view of the old buck barn out the windows....
Thursday the 19th

...well the only downside of arriving three days early
was that i had to work all day today...
however... couldn't get anyone to feel sorry for me
since this was the view from the "remote site" ...
and the pups hiked themselves... so all was good...

(that's Baby D up on the hill in his "Lion King" pose...!)

Friday the 20th n' Bogey watch
The Bradley Boyz
"runnin' around the mountain..."

...and the sun sank
west of the
Mendocino County Line


Saturday the 21st

...road trip to Ukiah to buy
dog food, cheweez...
and food and wine for me...

...every day is a good day... !

Sunday the 22nd i took Baby D to the pond!
he shows the white boyz what you are really supposed to do there!!!
the pond looks like it has
pond scum in one of the photos ...not so!
it's just shadows from the surrounding hills....
altho i don't think D would care!

Monday the 23rd

...i think i'm going to invent my own holidays !
the perfect afternoon
for reading the kindle
overlooking the
Anderson Valley...

Tuesday the 24th

Wednesday the 25th

Thursday the 26th

...some dogs pay attention to the
"No Lifeguard -
Swim at your own Risk" sign
...then there is Baby D... "Lifeguard?...
i don't need no stinkin'Lifeguard...!"

Friday the 27th

cool and cloudy today...
perfect for homemade soup and a fire...
the pups hike themselves....
...and yes, i'm doing a jigsaw puzzle of my dogs posing by the barn...
(i love being a whackjob...
it works for me...  )
...whew... don't think i coulda gone to bed without it being done...
no more jigsaw puzzles...
i'm just too OCD....

Saturday the 28th

...beautiful warm sunny day...
perfect for bbq-ing lobster... !
...the views from the bbq overlooking the valley are awesome...

...Kobe likes lobster??? weird...

Sunday the 29th

gorgeous morning
for a hike...

...good time had
by all... it's time to watch football with
The Bradley Boyz...

(...gonna be ugly for the
Raider Nation today....)

Monday the 30th

but mostly Baby D fetches the stick...! n' Bogey just watch and are amused

...the boyz go mud bogging
this morning!

Tuesday the 31st

Thursday the 2nd...

shopping spree to

very cute shop
All That Good Stuff
and the
Anderson Valley Market

any road trip is fun!!!

Friday the 3rd...

...nothing beats a
rip roaring game of
"chase the dog
that fetches the toy"...!!! last sunset....
can't believe we really have
to leave tomorrow...

(good thing we have reservations for April ! )