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friday the 18th!

February 2011 @ The Oaks
soooooo  glad to be back....

back at The Oaks....
i'm sooooooo
the pups are

saturday the 19th!

hiking the ridge....
a good time had by all!

in the afternoon...
the kindle and
a glass of wine...
good time had by me!

sunday the 20th!

perfect weather...
sunny and cool...

hiked to the old barn
and pond....

monday the 21st!

headed out early this morning...
cold tho!
(pups didn't care...)

Rookie can fly....

<<<<<----------   !

this afternoon it was cold and
reeealllly windy....
reading the sunday paper
the kindle...
glass of wine....
fabulous pasta lunch...

the pups don't care about the cold wind tho
they turned the
"bite face game"
into the
"bite your leg game"

tuesday the 22nd!

freezing cold this morning...
28 degrees!
by the time we got moving...
hiked around
and made the chili
it was warm enuff to
have lunch outside!!!

after lunch we sat on the
patio and read...

up here when the pups
sit out in the front yard
they have
views that go on forever!!!

wednesday the 23rd!

off we go out the back gate to hike the ridge to the pond!

no one but Rookie
was interested in getting wet...

this afternoon it got
reeealllly windy....
but the pups still insisted
on laying out...

thursday the 24th!

woke up to rain...
but a little rain doesn't keep
the white boys from
laying out!

after they had been hiking themselves for awhile
i got curious and went looking
for them...
they do come when they are called

perfect day for
homemade chicken noodle soup
for lunch!

(california natural
kibbles for the kids...)

later in the afternoon when it was raining a lot...
i did the fire/kindle/wine thing....
the pups were crashed out....

there is never a bad day up here!

friday the 25th!

SNOW !!!!!




saturday the 26th!

early morning hike...

the pups are totally
into the snow thing!


what a difference a couple of hours makes!
sun came out
snow went away...

warm enuff to read outside
all afternoon!

sunday the 27th!

Rook is on for the hike to the pond....

so is Kobe ....

...and Bogey likes the hills next to the road... !

... how about hiking Gina's Trail?
yep !  they're up for that!!!

... and mud bogging at the baby pond on the way down the Lower Trail ...!!!

soooo much fun for all!!!!

....  heading back down and back to the cottage...
just another day in paradise.....