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saturday the 18th!

October 2014 @ The Oaks
The Oaks was so wonderful in June...
we had to come back in fall.... stop Boonville...


— at The Outlets at Gilroy, Gilroy California

(actually...  the pups just pee on the shrubs behind
The Outlets...)

soooo happy to be here...
fabulous view overlooking Boonville...

(Bogey is so over the posing thing...  but the others are seriously good at it...!) — in Boonville, California.
sunday the 19th!

...beautiful day...
morning hike...
drove to town to buy the sunday Chronicle....

now getting ready for lunch on the patio...
we love our happy place... — feeling fabulous.

...and now it's a football afternoon...

— watching Arizona Cardinals vs Oakland Raiders

(and we don't even care who wins...
i mean...  it's not like it's
gonna be The Raiders....)
monday the 20th!

...woke up to rain on the roof...

Kenzie obviously isn't going to let a little rain stop her from her morning hike...

me n' the sane pups are inside....

... she is filthy and covered w/ stickers...!!! ...
but seriously happy...

...oh well... time for a homemade chicken noodle soup and reading the kindle afternoon...

tuesday the 21st!

...view from the platform bed

...the valley is fogged in...

beautiful sunrise up here...

...well... so much for the
"fetch the toy" game...
someone stole it...
took it down the ravine and
it hasn't been seen since...

...after morning hike and
ride into town:
pose of the day...

Ü it's time for lobster/shrimp scampi linguine w/ a
butter white wine sauce
on the patio
overlooking the valley...

wednesday the 22nd!

...perfect day to bbq lobster tail...
we're preparing the grill as we speak...
(Kenzie is in the kitchen guarding the lobster...)  Ü

thursday the 23nd!

lightly raining this morning...

could still do a little hiking down the road...

Kenzie didn't join us...

she is down in the ravine trying to find out where squirrels go when it's raining...

...stalking squirrels is a dirty job....

(she only came in cuz it's lunch time...) <sheesh>
friday the 24th!

Bogey is happiest when she watches from the cottage
while the rest of the gang stroll around below...
...nothing like a happy 14 year old dog...!

Kenzie is MIA on squirrel patrol... 
Kobe felt the need to carry his football today...
oh wait.. there is Kenzie down below...
monday the 27th!

...last vacation lunch on the patio ...
(Kenzie is probably looking for her squirrel friends...)