Vacation 2014 - April
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back @ The Buckeye! ....  our favorite place on earth...!
saturday the 12th....

Sunday morning stroll....

...the boyz run....

...the old girl moonwalks...

...they all rest under the Buckeye tree....  Ü

...Monday the folks arrive....!!!

...we bbq hamburgers...

and mOm brought
her fabulous
potato salad...!!!

...the folks are staying at
Boonville Downtown...

really cute cottage
in town but set back
into the vineyards...


...Tuesday...  i bbq-ed lobster tail & salmon for the folks....

then we went

The Pond!!!

Baby D
shows us all
how it really is
supposed to be done!


bbq-ed top sirloin....

i made pinquito beans....

...this afternoon i
walked w/ the pups...

mOm got OCD
about the jigsaw puzzle... fact we had
jigsaw puzzle wars...
i won...!

(of course i cheated...
gave her the 500 piece one
i did the 300 piece one... !)


this morning the Easter bunny came to visit us...
none of the dogs even noticed...!


really fabulous lunch at
The Buckhorn Boonville
before the folks
head back to Bend...

...and i head back up to
The Buckeye! the afternoon...
The No Name Game...!

it starts w/
Baby D fetching his ball
Kobe runs w/ the football nobody wants
Bogey herds all the runners & fetchers
Rookie barks...

still... a good time had by all...!!!

later Bogey is out front
on the lawn, under a tree, looking out the front gate...

...just like Park & Miller for her...

......tostata lunch down at the Boonville Downtown cottage w/ the folks in their backyard...


...what a fabulous day...
strolled around w/ the pups...

linguine & clams on the patio... reading the kindle
overlooking the valley....

soooooo content... Ü

glorious Easter Sunday... 

hiked to the pond... 13 years of age just the fact that Bogey walked all the way there was soooo wonderful.... Ü

...Baby D could smell the water before we even got there!

...even the white boyz
go mud bogging...

...Monday... was Do Nothing Day....

there is a lot to be said
for Do Nothing Day...!

...Tuesday... i had to work...
video conference w/ the Ventura office...

oh well...  at least i had my view
and my pups...Ü

(work pays for vacations)
(work pays for vacations)
(work pays for vacations)
(work pays for vacations)
(work pays for vacations)


...about an hour and 1/2 video conference in the morning...
nice visit w/ Renee...
office mgr here @ The Other Place...
road trip to Philo, Ca...

bbq-ed steak... left over
pinquito beans...

...just guys hangin' by
the pit
but w/out beers or cigars!

in the afternoon...
strollin' w/ a view... !

just another day in Paradise... Ü


...last conference call done by 11:15...

off to the pond we go!!!

Baby D reaches the point of no return and sprints ahead!

...a fabulous time had by all...!!! have to say the Kobe and Rookie look ridiculous w/ their spindly wet legs and fluffy bodies... Ü


Bogey does think
the boyz
are nuts....

...boyz by the bbq pit again
when we bbq-ed lobster...

sooooo good...

(Bogey is seriously napping

after the hike

to and from the pond... Ü )

...Friday... the sound of rain on the roof...!

fire in the fireplace...

door open...


homemade chili....

life is never not good here.......

(don't even want to think about going home tomorrow...  )