Vacation 2015 - January
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back @ The Buckeye! ....  our favorite place on earth...!
thursday the 8th....

we had reservations for the 10th....
for the 1st time in history they were closing the Golden Gate Bridge on that day!
oh happy day...
The Buckeye was actually open the 2 days before I was scheduled to arrive!...

we have arrived at our HAPPY PLACE... !!! — in Boonville, California.

friday the 9th....

...have to work today...

but certainly not complaining...!
love the view from my "office"...

— feeling thankful.

saturday the 10th....

...perfect morning to
stroll/run around...

a good time had by all...


Kenzie getting some air...


...Bogey mostly grazing....

...then Baby D and Kenz do the toy thing...
(Kobe is amused...)

sunday the 11th....

...road trip down the hill to the Anderson Valley Market...

SF Chronicle
and the stuff to make chili...

perfect football afternoon... Ü

monday the 12th....

...just another day in paradise...

bbqing lobster w/ a view...

eating lobster w/ a view...

— feeling wonderful.

...another fabulous afternoon....  Ü

tuesday the 13th....

...after hiking around this morning...
lunch on the patio of linguine and clams...

it's so warm i needed to move the adirondack chair into the shade... there any doubt about how content we are up here.... Ü

wednesday the 14th....

...road trip to Ukiah
this morning...

wine, dog food and groceries... Ü

...a couple hours later
we're back
and preparing the charcoal
for top sirloin
and i'm steaming an artichoke
as we speak...

gonna be another of those fabulous days up here...!
thursday the 15th....

...skies are getting cloudy...
rain is on the way... Ü..
but that doesn't stop the fun
for the pups...
they all get in on the action... !

Bogey and Baby D decide to share the same mat
next to the fire...
how awesome is that... fact...
after another wonderful day all the pups are sacked out...
we are all sooooooo relaxed and content up here... Ü

friday the 16th....

...woke up to rain on the roof....
just had a break so the pups do what they love to do...
i just started the homemade veggie beef soup...
looking forward to a rainy day of reading the kindle in front of the fire w/ the door open...

...the pups are so
different up here...

this evening Kobe
tries to share the mat
w/ Baby D .....
saturday the 17th....

beautiful sunny morning
to run/hike/stoll the hill...

(just depends which
dog you are...

sunday the 18th....'s raining
so we're just lazing in bed watching HGTV...

good weather for football later today...
rain, football, fire,
wine, homemade
chicken noodle soup...

...and the pups....

Priceless... !
...and when we open the door

Kenzie prefers to be half outside...
monday the 19th.... was Baby D Day...!!!
Bogey has never even gotten in...
and the white ones just get ankle deep to get muddy...
today we made the white ones
keep 14 year old Bogey company back at the cottage so D could have his day... Ü
tuesday the 20th.... was about relaxing in and round the chairs...
(and someone is still wishing there were squirrels down there...)
— feeling content.
wednesday the 21st....

...warm and sunny...

shrimp scampi linguine on the patio w/ the posers...

i know, i know, everyday seems the same...

duh... that's the plan... is hard to concentrate
on the view
and the kindle
when CrazyTown
is happening behind me... !
thursday the 22nd....

somewhere on the property is a huge gopher hole...
good thing I bought the waterproof comforter for the bed...
...not as good as a bath...
but the magic samoyed fur did it's thing...
once she dried off
the dirt fell off her
goof ball self...
friday the 23rd....

today is the Last Day...

so we did all our
favorite things...

..yep... bbq-ed the last
lobster tail...
...the white ones hanging w/ the tahoe...

Bogey waiting for her lunch w/ Rookie...
Kobe jogs w/ his football...

Kenzie goes flying...
...and of course... one last pursuit of gophers...

(...very tiring...)
saturday the 24th....

...we're home...

and the pups have fun anywhere...

...and now Bogey is in her Happy Place...
(I love this old girl...)