Vacation 2017 - April
check out the website!!!

amazing that it has been a year...!
but we are back @ The Buckeye...!!!
tuesday the 18th....

was actually supposed to be here yesterday...
but instead of arriving i was at the vet
and getting four new tires for the Tahoe...

soooooo glad we have finally made it...!!!

back to the

                       page of

we have been to 
The Buckeye 
a bzillion times 
and have never seen 
a squirrel... 

but Kenzie is 
down there waiting
 for them anyway... 


she gave up 
and passed out 
on the driveway...
wednesday the 19th....

heading out for a 
morning stroll...

...the view of Boonville below is awesome... 

...i had to do a little work this afternoon and the boyz 
are more than happy to keep me company...
as you can see from Kenzie's GPS she is all over the property... more sql query report to run... 
but since it is pouring rain and i have an awesome view, a toasty fire 
and the pups are sacked out, all is good...

thursday the 20th...

...beautiful sunny day...

...took the road less traveled by this morning...

...relaxing lunch
on our patio
overlooking the 
Anderson Valley.... 

soooo content... 

...i suddenly realized that Rookie (my blind boy) 
wasn't laying next to me... 
no worries... 
he was just strolling around enjoying the evening... 

i love him sooo much...

friday the 21st...

...National Take Your Dog to the Pond Day 
is Baby D's favorite holiday...!!!

...perfect 73° afternoon 
to bbq baby back ribs 
with a view of the 
vineyards below... 

feeling jealous of myself...

saturday the 22nd...

...just another day in paradise...

sunday the 23rd...

...another awesome day...bbq top sirloin and artichoke for me...

fun and games for the pups...

monday the 24th... i followed him...

...rainy drizzly morning... 

Rookie decided to go 
hike himself...

...another perfect afternoon to read in front of the fire...


Kenzie should not 
be allowed to 
hike herself...

there be gophers down the ravine...!
...and now she is back down there...
tuesday the 25th...

...morning stroll... well... 
Rookie and Kobe stroll...
Kenzie chases Dallas....
(...and Kenzie is white and fluffy again... Ü )
wednesday the 26th...

...Kenzie is guarding the back door...

I had to work today so was inside... all of a sudden a mouse ran thru the open doors... 
the boyz were worthless... 
called Kenzie in... 
5 seconds later the mouse was 
dead and deposited outside... 
Good Girl...! she is watching for more...

thursday the 27th...

...beautiful sunny day...

one last pose since today is our last day... it has been so awesome... 
think i'm gonna bbq me some ribs and 
spend the day strolling around with the pups...

...Dallas is a happy man....

and Kenzie still needs some
serious grooming...