Vacation 2016 - April
check out the website!!!

back @ The Buckeye! ....  our retirement celebration...!
monday the 18th....

my retirement gift from the owners was a gift certificate to
The Other Place...!!!
how awesome is that...!  after 33 years i guess they know me pretty well...

we have arrived...!

back to the

                      page of
tuesday the 19th....

gorgeous sunny day...
starting the vacation off w/ a
bbq-ed lobster tail...

fabulous view overlooking the valley...

soooo quiet up here... i absolutely love it...!

and the girls
are stalking lizards
under the rocks...

...Kobe and Sophie and I
are sitting on/by the
adirondack chairs
overlooking the valley...

Kenzie and Baby D
decided to rock and roll...

and Rookie was egging them on....

1st day... priceless...
thursday the 21st....

pretty much


Baby D's


...a glass of wine
and the Kindle
overlooking the valley
with Rookie and Dallas...

life is so good...

...this afternoon
its a combo of

keep away...

they all love
the freedom of
the whole 5 acres...Ü
friday the 22nd...

...looks like it's a rainy
read in front of the fire day...

...well... it will be
when i make Baby D
come inside... Ü

just started the
homemade chicken noodle soup...
wednesday the 20th....

saturday the 23rd...

road trip to Philo...

even grocery shopping
is fun for the pups...

sunday the 24th...


not even 9:00am and the girls
have been digging
in gopher holes...

monday the 25th...

...cruising thru
wine country...
stopped for a photo op at Husch...

...and i didn't even have to buy any...
a bottle of their wine was waiting in the fridge when i arrived at my cottage...

tuesday the 26th...

beautiful sunny day...
perfect for shrimp/linguine lunch and reading on the patio...

wednesday the 27th...

what a difference
a day makes...

   raining again today...

pups are bored...

reading in front of
the fire for me...

thursday the 28th...

...and the sun sank west of the Mendocino County line...
heading home tomorrow... what an awesome two weeks...

what a difference a day makes...

warm, sunny and
no wind...

that means

it is

a Pond Day...!