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sunday the 3rd!

April 2011 @ The Buckeye
soooo back into "jealous of ourselves" mode!

monday the 4th!

today was
top sirloin bbq
w/ artichoke...
since it was
70+ degrees....
reading overlooking
the valley...

this is why we come here!
of course....
hiking and playing
in the pond....

(as weird as it sounds...
Rookie reminds me of
Steve Martin...
he always has that
"wild and crazy guy"
look on his face!)
tuesday the 5th!

heading off to the pond to hike Gina's Trail....
hiking the Lower Trail....

(Rookie never gets tired cuz he flies instead of touching the ground....)
stopping to play in
baby pond.....
the views are just sooo beautiful....

...and then Rook and Bogey
decided to chase a jack rabbit....

you can barely see them way off on the hill....
they finally caught up w/
me 'n Kobe on the trail back to
The Buckeye.....
wednesday the 6th!

i am never not amused!
today Kobe decided
he wanted to take his football on the walk...!
come on...
dude... you are not a lab...

but we had a fabulous time
cruzin' the hills....
this afternoon it
got really windy....
not really a problem...

moved a chair outside...
no wind on the patio facing

there is never a
moment we are not
loving every minute
up here!

thursday the 7th!

rained most of the night...

went for a walk
in between showers...

but headed back to our
it was COLD!
perfect day for
chicken noodle soup...
...and this afternoon...

the view
the fire
a glass of wine
good book on
the kindle!

and the pups
hiked around
in the wind...

just another day
in paradise...
friday the 8th!

today we woke up to beautiful sunny skies...
headed out for our hike...

at the pond we met the family staying at
The Breezeway....

Rookie and and the Poodle decided to party in the pond...

after Rookie decided to shake off on
their daughter we decided to move on.....
after a stop at
the baby pond
(see above)
we headed down
Lower Trail...

uh oh....
Poodle pup wanted
to follow Kobe!
Poodle Pup
went back with her
cute family...

and we enjoyed
the hike
the rest of the way
back to
The Buckeye....
now it's
linguini & clams
the hills...

sooooo happy.....
saturday the 9th!

just another day of doing
exactly the same thing...
and that is the
whole reason
we love it here....
during today's hike
i make the kids pose
next to the pond
and the old barn...

i love happy dogs!
sunday the 10th!

fun day for the pups...
relaxing day for me...

fabulous weather....

beautiful views....

relaxing day
for Kobe too...

monday the 11th!

same fun...

same happy pups...

tuesday the 12th!

our last day....
started out the same...

Gina's Trail back to
the pond....

playing in the pond...

almost back at the Buckeye...
up on the ridge behind
the Oaks...
a bunch of deer....
Bogey and Rookie were on it!


Rookie headed back....
but no Bogey.....

after calling Bogey for 10 minutes...
uh oh...
she was up at The Oaks....
and since we were there in Feburary i know the fence lay out....
she was inside the Oaks fence!
i could see her up there...!
i remembered
the gate out the back is funky...
and there is a piece of wood on the ground... i figured she pushed her way in but then couldn't push it back the other way....

i called the phone up at the Oaks...
no answer... (thank gawd...)
me and the white boys got in the tahoe and drove all the way around the mountain to drive up to
the Oaks....
Ms. Genius was there!

i'm thinking she has been up here so often she thinks all the cottages are ours....


funny tho


vacationing w/ pups is always amusing!