Vacation 2006 - Part II
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one time in 2006 was not enuff.....  we're back in October  !!!
we are back....
kobe has oak leaves plastered to
most of his little body....
it is gorgeous
up here this time of year...

sooooo  glad to be back....
bogey and kobe have invented a new game
it's called
"run around the outside of the cabin climb on the bed
and do it again...."
(chance is sitting next to me....
i'm on a chair outside in the sun overlooking the valley.....)
they were so exhausted after the end of each day all they could do was hit their dog beds...
(kobe took my bed...)
while i had a glass of wine
and watched Law & Order....
(yes.... this place has a tv w/ dish satellite
hidden in the cabinet next to the bed....
but we are still roughing it... right!!?!!)
it pretty much didn't matter what any of us were doing...
including some of the hiking.....
chance just settled on the highest point where he could watch....
and told us to knock ourselves out....
he'd be waiting ....
this year we discovered that the pond and old barn were just over the hill behind our cottage....

mr. i love water
was immediately attracted...
so guess who dove in and went swimming...
guess who else(s) just stood on the shore
looking at him like he was an idiot...
here is a hint....
two dry happy content dogs
one wet, muddy dog who can't even stay awake!
i was talking to my mom on thursday afternoon.... boring her w/ another kobe-going-swimming story....  and she said "i sure wish i could see him before he gets any bigger....  hey.... i think i'll talk your dad into driving down there tomorrow...."     and they did! ....  they left Bend about 5:00am in the morning and i met them at the Anderson Valley Market in Boonville around 2:00pm friday....  we went shopping (cuz i only had a few lean cuisines and sunflower seeds left) ....  they followed me up the mountain....  and we sat out on the porch.... drank wine and beers...  watched dogs play...
  bbq-ed hamburgers.....  watched the sunset over the ridge...  it was 82 degrees and unbelievably beautiful.....   they left around 7:30 and drove to Ukiah... (only 30 minutes north)  and spent the night in a Holiday Inn there and drove back to Bend saturday..... 
what at total treat to be able to share this wonderful place!!!
saturday afternoon....
home again....

kobe & chance went back into white flamingo mode...

i made reservations for April 2007....
so i'm into waiting to go back mode.....