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sunday the 28th

June/July 2015 @ The Oaks
We live 5 blocks from the Santa Barbara County Fairgrounds...
and my neighborhood is like Tijuana on Cinco de Mayo...
me n' the pups (and Kobe's Thundershirt) have left town...!
...oh freakin fabulous...
a bimbo rear ends me on the freeway
1 mile from the
Boonville exit...

there was an accident about 1 mile back... i slowed down cuz one lane was closed and there were cops, fire trucks and tow trucks... i had already slowed down to about 45 like all the cars in front of me... bimbo just came blasting up...

the good news is that my dog TwistStep totally smashed her front end... Tahoe is pretty much fine...


...I haven't even unpacked the ice chest and
Kenzie is coated with stickers...!

...but nice to see Kenzie's gps works up here...!
see...  she's in the ravine w/ the stickers
looking for squirrels...

...there are many things i love about being here...
and yes... the view in the evening w/ a glass of wine is one of them.... — feeling relaxed  Ü

monday the 29th

...starting the vacation off right...
after this mornings excursions...
bbq-ing lobster w/ a view...
eating lobster w/ a view...

— feeling jealous of myself...!  Ü

this evening it appears
its time for

The Yippee Skippee
Happy Dance...

#DWTS ain't got nothin'
on D and Kenzie...


tuesday the 30th is National Take Your Dog to the Pond Day...!
( least that's what Dallas told me...
he keeps up on this stuff... Ü ) handy...!

Baby D meets a new friend
that likes to swim
play with a tennis ball... !!!
(can't believe i just got the ball in the shot...!
...little kid had a good arm...! )
wednesday the 1st

...early morning road trip
while it is still ok to park in the shade w/ all windows open for 5 minutes...

supposed to get up to 99° this afternoon... !
...had to work today...
1st of the month reports and all...
but since none of us wanted to leave the air conditioned cottage
this afternoon...
and the view was awesome...
not that big of a deal... and it's supposed to be 10° cooler tomorrow... Ü
thursday the 2nd

...thought i'd see if the white boyz
were interested in a trip to the pond...

that would be a negatory...
we weren't there 5 minutes
and they ran back to the Tahoe and waited for me to take them for a ride...
friday the 3rd

...apparently i misunderstood...
i was advised by Baby D that it is
National Take your Dog to the Pond WEEK..! back we go w/ the only dog that knows how to do pond correctly... Ü
Baby D was pleased that the little boy
from Tuesday left the tennis ball for him...!
...the white ones are professional
at laying on cool tile...
Kenzie also has a side specialty
of collecting stickers...
...Kobe and Kenzie think they can hear dogs
at The Buckeye cottage down below...
I'm just enjoying the view with a glass of wine...
sooooooo content...
saturday the 4th of july

...views from the hammock today...
and not a sound but the light breeze thru the oaks...
sooooo content... even the pups have forgotten how to bark... Ü
sunday the 5th

...hosed off the patios this afternoon...
needless to say Baby D got soaked in the process...
but it also makes a cool spot for the white ones...
weather is in the low 80's tho
so it is really nice up here this afternoon... Ü
monday the 6th

at noon-ish...
preparing the bbq for lobster... and what do i find???

there is only one spot up here where view isn't spectacular...

the view of the Tahoe in between the trash can and the doggie poop bag dispenser...

Kenzie's new favorite spot...

...time to enjoy the last sunset of our vacation....

thank gawd we have reservations to come back... Ü