Vacation 2018 - March
check out the website!!!

a last minute decision and...
we are @ The Breezeway...!!!
sunday the 25th....

...we have arrived at our favorite place on earth...  

back to the

                       page of and breezy this afternoon... 
reading with a view in front of the fire with the white boyz... 

Kenzie and Dallas are hiking themselves...

another awesome day... 
Kenzie was looking for squirrels and flying down the ravine... the boyz were more than content to just hang out 
on the breezeway decks...
monday the 26th....

...just can’t beat the view of the Anderson Valley in Mendocino County the end of the day i’m gonna sit on the deck outside the master bedroom with some wine, the kindle and the boyz... (kenzie is off looking for gophers now... )
while the boyz prefer 
the breezeway deck...
beautiful sunny day... 

Kenzie is hiking herself down below...

tuesday the 27th...

another gorgeous day... 81° and no wind... 

the white ones are sticking close to the cottage... 

Kobe did venture out to check out the chairs... 

Dallas is allowed to hike himself... 

and i'm going to read on the breezeway deck..

and now Rookie (my fearless blind boy) is hiking himself...

wednesday the 28th...

...heading home but already have
reservations to come back...!
thursday the 29th...